Wherever two or more are gathered….there will be conflict.
It is fun to gather with others, spend time with our yarn projects and share our lives. Even when these gatherings are in an effort to share in Bible Study or just meet in a God honoring fashion, conflicts and difficulties arise. I have received emails from people asking how to deal with various situations that have risen in their gatherings. Unfortunately, where people gather, conflict will be present. So how do you handle the conflicts?
I would like to share with you some ideas for learning to deal with others that I have used to help me. Please note, I have no affiliation with any of these. At the time I posted each link they led to a valid, instructional item. As you should with all links, use your judgment when clicking through.
This video series from FaithGateway are very informative and demonstrate various encounters, then discuss ways to deal with them. CLICK HERE
Sometimes, we just say the wrong thing. With women together there are often comments between married and single individuals. This article helps to understand not all comments meant to be encouraging are encouraging. CLICK HERE
What conflicts occur with your groups? How are they handled? Share your thoughts and comments below.