Keep In Touch

Today I opened my daily K-Love Word of the Day which reminded me that is not what God intended.

And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.  Heb 10:25

When God created man, he then created woman because it was not good for man to be alone. Just as God desires a relationship with us, He desires for us to have relationships, gathering together to encourage, one another.

If you know someone alone or ill, stop by and talk with them. Conversation does NOT need to revolve around medical issues, talk about life, family, tell jokes, laugh.

I have a friend that receives calls from me occasionally where I say to her ‘talk to me about anything’. She doesn’t ask about my pain level or what is wrong.  She tells me about her dogs latest antics, how her golf game went, how she did in her computer solitaire game and what projects she is ignoring by doing these things.  In the end she has me laughing and forgetting, even if for just a short time, the physical pain. She is a treasure in my life.

Perhaps I need to add a little note here: don’t be the one always receiving the encouragement. You will find great strengths in yourself when you also in return offer encouragement to others.

Encouragement comes in many forms, and just taking the time to spend time with someone in need, is often the best encouragement of all.

1 thought on “Keep In Touch”

  1. Crocheting for others helps me forget pain… too bad it doesn’t erase it. I hear you, when you are saying that giving encouragement is good for the spirit and soul. Thanks for writing about this.

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