Yarn purchases

I am trying to clean out my cluttered craft areas and merge them into one organized closet.  (big emphasis on the word trying)

I keep getting distracted because I find a work I started and then set aside to start another project. I pick up that set-aside project, only to find more pattern books with ideas I want to start.

Yes, my KCADD (knit crochet attention deficit disorder) is going wild lately.

Looking through my stash I am amazed at all the places I find yarn to purchase.  Where do you get your yarn from?

How do you stay focused on a project?


2 thoughts on “Yarn purchases”

  1. I have the same craft clutter problem, and I say I’m a “startaholic” with frequent startitis attacks. (Somebody else said it first, so I didn’t make that up myself.) I have thought for a long time that I could be ADD and can especially relate to your KCADD going wild. I’ve had a plan to organize my fiber crafts into one place for quite some time now, and making only little bits of progress from time to time. Our 100+ year old house doesn’t have real closets, but there is a small bedroom functioning sort of like a walk-in closet and my intended craft room someday. Sigh..

    By the way, I think the new name for the newsletter is great!

    Nina Lou

  2. Hello!

    I’m trying to just use up my stash and trying to make room for things I need. No more buying yarn just because it’s pretty. I want to redeem my time and my resources, too.

    At some point we’ll get “there” won’t we? 😀

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