Why the Knit Crochet Bible Study Books are computer files & not printed books

Several years ago my husband introduced me to reading e-books on my computer or phone. I have enjoyed it. I could stand in line at the DMV or grocery store or at the doctors office and have my book on my phone ready to read while waiting. Less cost, easy to manage.

When I started working on the lessons for the Knit and Crochet Bible Study we discussed fees and the idea of putting out the book as a PDF file quickly proved the most cost effective, especially in these economically challenging days.

Whether you purchase one or both current books, you receive a notification with a link., From here, download the files to your computer. But that is not the best part.

Have you participated in Bible Study which required each person involved to buy the book and maybe even the  additional workbook? This can run into considerable expense with each individual possibly running from $10 – $25 or more.

Once you purchase from Knit and Crochet Bible Study, you have copyright permission to print as many copies as you need for your local group. So the breakdown looks like this:

Purchase one of the books: cost $27   ($37 if both are purchased together)

Now, you want to offer up a class at your local church. You have 10 people sign up so you can legally print 10 copies.  You can choose how to bind them. One suggestion I like is to print these on front and back, 3 hole punch, place in a binder.  You can charge each participant $5 if you choose, whatever the cost of printing is.  Then when you do the 2nd class, copy the second book front and back page, 3 hold punch, add to the same notebook as previous class.

You have full control of the fees.  Now you want to offer the first class again. No need to order any more books, you still have permission to print for your local group, so copy again.

No extra books to keep in storage or return to the publisher. Printing cost whether you go to Kinkos or print at your local church, are all predictable.

The cost effective method and low key format allows women to learn new trades, share their craft knowledge with others and expand their abilities. It also allows for less threatening setting allowing someone who has never participated in a Bible Study.

This is a great opportunity for intergenerational learning. A Titus 2 setting is created.

Additional class studies can also be created from the stories in the monthly e-newsletter Purls and Chains of Wisdom.


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If you’d like more information on the books, click here.


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