Upcoming KAL and CAL

As I was writing up the patterns for the Salvation Colors lapghans an idea started to knit in my head.

Let’s make these together!! How about a Knit-A-Long (KAL) and a Crochet-A-Long (CAL) featuring one panel a month. If we start in September/October we will finish up in April in time for Easter. In the end you have your own witnessing tool.

With this in mind I am preparing the story for each color and pattern will be posted one each month. I will also prepare a short video for each stitch pattern to help you along the way. Comments will be open on the blog to allow for questions and comments on the pattern.

So mark your calendar, panel 1 will be posted next week.

For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvations to the ends of the earth. Acts 13:47NIV

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