I have been down with lot of pain for the last several weeks so that has kept be away from the computer and therefore put me way behind in my weekly posts.
The good thing, however, is that my hooks and needles have been busy.
First, the cutest thing ever would be the horse I made for my great-niece. This is made from a free pattern . (click here for link to pattern)
I stuffed the legs with a heavy weight filler I found at a craft store. It is like little bitty pebbles. I put some into a ziplock bag which I wrapped several times with strapping tape. This filled the leg of the horse and ensures it will not open, and that the horse will stand.
The hat is not in the pattern. Anna loves the color lello, and she has a lello hat I made her, so it just seemed appropriate to make a lello hat for the horse. Now, to find time to meet up with her and give her this gift. I sure hope she likes it.
While laying down I watched all 14 episodes of Firefly. I loved that show! I now understand the uproar at its cancellation. At the same time I was watching this, the book Knits for Nerds came out. In it is a sweater that resembles the brown dusters they wore the short-lived series. I started it in a size to fit my daughter, she asked for grey.
The stitch pattern on this is 12 rows at 223 stitches per row. So when I screwed up the pattern the first time, I just frogged and started over. The second time I tinked 7 rows of 223 stitches. (You do the math. that’s a lot of stitches tinked off)
After that, I inserted a life line at the end of each repeat (there are 12 repeats) so I can just frog to that point and reinsert the stitches on my needle and move forward.
What is a lifeline? With the stitches on the needles, insert a thinner thread through the loops all the way across the piece. You must be very careful not to knit this thread into the stitch when you begin the next row. This thread now saves the loops of the stitch so that if I must frog “(rip-it rip-it, rip-it) the loops are secured in the thread. No chance of dropping a stitch. Just run a needle through the loops along the thread line and begin to knit. Hmm, lifeline. There is another post in me about our personal lifeline Jesus Christ. Watch for it.
I joined CrochetMe on Facebook with their Easter crochet-along and made Sir Stephen the Bunny.
I purchased a booklet with cocoon patterns and made both of these.
So, I may not be very communicative, but I have been productive.
Take care of yourself and keep on stitching. God is still stitching you into His kingdom.
very nice work there, bearyann….