Through My Headset – Me Again

My headset this week was via Netflix.  I watched a movie titled “ME AGAIN”. (link should take you to the movie page on IMDB)

I enjoyed this look at life through the eyes of others. Using a “Quantum Leap” style of lessons to learn Pastor Chaplain finds out life is more than he ever imagined it to be.

It is easy to wonder ‘what if’ about my life but the truth of the matter is, I am where I am because of decisions I made. I cannot change them. It is my choice to look backward or forward. It is my choice to be happy.

I am thankful for a God who loves me despite my wrong decisions and loves me even when I go down a wrong path. He is always waiting with open arms for me to return to His embrace.

I am thankful, too, that no matter where I go, I am always in His grasp. He will NEVER leave me.

Check out other movies with actor David A.R. White.  He is part of the Pure Flix Entertainment which was created to produce and distribute Faith and Family films.

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