The Right Tools

To complete a knit or crochet project you must first gather the necessary tools. This includes the obvious needles or hook, yarn and pattern. Other tools may be needed as well: measuring tape, scissors, tapestry needle.

It would be hard to crochet a pair of mittens or knit a hat without these basic essentials.

Similarly, Bible Study has a tools list. First and foremost, you need a Bible.  There are a number of versions. For myself I like to do my study from the NIV (New International Version) but if I want to read in modern language, using more commonly used words, I will read the MSG (Message). 

Like comparing two different patterns to create the same scarf, I read both versions to see how the word usage completes the thought in my mind, bring more understanding of God’s Word to my heart.

Other tools useful for both knit/crochet and bible study would include highlighters.  Mark pertinent text that you may not understand so you can further explore its direction.  An ink pen to write notes about the passage and comments of your thoughts.  Extra paper on which to journal your progress through the pattern or through the biblical passage.

Just as a carpenter would not begin to build a house without a hammer, a surgeon would not begin without a scalpel, you must be equipped with the proper tools.

There are free online resources for knit and crochet patterns. Some include:

free-crochet dot com

free-knitpatterns dot com

lion brand yarn dot com

There are also a number of Bibles and commentaries online.

Blue Letter Bible dot org

Bible Gateway dot com

It is easy to skim through to pick and choose only what you want, but that limits your knowledge.  Pick a pattern you haven’t tried before, stretch your comfort level and learn a new stitch. 

In Bible Study don’t just pick a verse here and there, read the context. What was happening at the time of the event? What were the people looking for? What did they find? What can you learn from their experience?

Time is always a factor.  I could certainly get a lot more projects completed if I didn’t have to do things like laundry, cooking, dishes.  But I always find the time each day to sit with my yarn and knit or crochet.   By the same token I must plan on time to spend in God’s Word. 

When my children were younger they joked, if mom puts it in her Outlook calendar you know we get to go.  So, make the time to knit, to crochet, to read the Bible.  Even if you have to put it on the calendar.

Now gather your tools and get started !


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