Salvation Colors Afghan – Part 4 GOLD

Hell offers complete separation from God. This comes from rejecting him as Lord and Savior. We used ORANGE to represent the Gates of Hell in the previous panel.

Heaven, however, is eternity spent with God. Gold is used in this next panel to represent heaven as described in Revelation 21:18 and the city was pure gold.

Jesus is preparing a home for you and me. He promises to take us to that home in John 14:2,3 In my Father’s house are many mansions..I am going to prepare a place for you I will come back and take you to be with me.

Your heavenly home is under construction right now.

I love the stitch pattern names for this color.  In crochet we have a stitch pattern called Crosses.  What better representation of the love our Father in Heaven has for us than that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8)

The knit pattern is called Trinity because you knit/purl 3 stitches in one stitch. Like Father, Son, Holy Ghost, 3 in 1.

Download the pattern for both knit and crochet (click here). (PDF reader is required) 

I will be posting video of stitch demonstration for each version. Check back for the tutorial.

How did you like this stitch?  Leave a comment below.

2 thoughts on “Salvation Colors Afghan – Part 4 GOLD”

  1. I crocheted the gold panel with star stitch to symbolize heavenly home. I’m adding another panel of brown and using the crossed dc stitch to symbolize the cross of Christ. The idea of seven colors was included on another website about witnessing bracelets and I want to include it with my explanation:

    Seven colors – Represents completion or perfection. It can remind us that God ceased from his labor on the seventh day following creation and that we will enter into eternal rest following our earthly labors.

    I love this project!

  2. Excellent! THe main goal here is to find a way to make it a witnessing tool for yourself. Can’t wait to see a picture of the final project.

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