Seaming It All Up

Theologians tell us there are 400 years between Malachi 4:6 and Matthew 1:1. What was happening during that time? Was God trying to come up with a Plan B, C or even D?

No, Gods plan of salvation was already in the works in Genesis 1. There is no Plan B.

From Genesis to Malachi we find evidence of a sacrifice to be offered up to bring reconciliation between God and man. In the Gospels we find testimony of the manifestation of the sacrifice made. Acts to Revelation offers us testimony and encouragement to accept that sacrifice and a pattern to live for Him eternally.

In the Old Testament people were looking toward to the cross. In the New Testament they looked back to the cross. God’s sacrifice on the cross knitted the two together seamlessly.

The Salvation Colors afghan project brings together several panels which can be used to describe the story. Now it is time to seam the pieces together.

As you bring together your knitted or crocheted panels remember the sacrifice that was made so that you may be a part of this story. Each panel is stitched together in black, referencing the sin which separates us from God. But don’t fear that sin, we will complete the picture with the ultimate gift from God, the sacrifice of His only begotten Son, so that we may live forever with Him. This is represented by the red edging around the entire project. A cross stitch is included to offer an additional reminder of God’s love. You will note that each panel is touched by this final edging; just as the blood of Christ touches each and every life.

Recite John 3:16 before continuing: For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.

Whosoever means you.

For the seaming and edging click here.  A PDF reader is required.

1 thought on “Seaming It All Up”

  1. Thanks so much for a wonderful project – I really love all the panels and the whole project of the Salvation Afghan!! Looking forward to another project- hopefully there will be one!
    Thanks again,

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