365 Days / 52 weeks

I have enjoyed Crochet Concupiscence for some time now.   Recently I have had the pleasure of corresponding with its blogger, Kathryn having won 3 (so far) of the 31 Days of Giveaways this month and sponsoring one of her giveaways this month. She is a very pleasant person I enjoyed conversing with.

She faithfully blogs every day and is planning now what daily entry she would make in 2012. She blogs about crochet books and artists. She reviews various yarn and highlights crochet in the news. If crochet is involved, she blogs it. Looking back over her past entries, she has decided in 2012 to photograph what she is wearing each day and how crochet is part of fashion.

I am impressed by this and want to do the same posting regularly, not offering pictures of myself, I am not photogenic and I have the pictures to prove it.   I need to make a commitment to myself and move forward. Pain has brought a stop to much of what I do, I need a goal to help get back on track. Because of this I feel I have failed the Lord and am having trouble moving forward.  I may try to make it 52 things and see if I can manage to post once a week faithfully.

Now the question is what to focus on for 2012.

Any ideas or suggestions?  What would you like to see?

1 thought on “365 Days / 52 weeks”

  1. Pingback: UNFINISHED Life–Week 1 | Knit and Crochet Bible Study

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